Term 4 2016

I know this post is dreadfully late!  It will be more for my own records than for anyone who follows me.  Unfortunately it was a very busy end to 2016 and so the blog got neglected!  However I will give a bit of a wrap up of the term!   The story we did for the majority of term 4 was called the Snake Story (from Catherina Greenburg).  This story was very successful with all year levels, especially with the props that we used (mainly a tunnel and some snake skin material).  Our second story for the term was a movie talk using Jack Fuchs comfort cartoon by Wilfredo Panameno.  This movie talk, as well as the one last term from the Pets! movie, were very motivating for the students.  We also did some cooking, and had AIYEP (Australia Indonsia Youth Exchange Program) representatives at the school in the last few weeks of term!


Snake Story (Catherina Greenberg)


Ibu Sharon punya ular. Ular lapar.

Ibu Sharon berkata “Kelas, jangan terlalu dekat ular”.

Ibu Sharon putar dan lihat smartboard.

Max nakal. Max mau lihat ular. Max terlalu dekat dan ular makan Max!

Ibu Sharon berkata, “Kelas, di mana Max?”

Kelas berkata, “Ular makan Max!”

Ibu Sharon berkata, “Tidak apa-apa!”.


Ibu Sharon berkata, “Saya mau ke kamar kecil. Jangan terlalu dekat ular.”

Poppy nakal. Poppy mau lihat ular. Poppy terlalu dekat dan ular makan Poppy!

Ibu Sharon berkata, “Kelas, di mana Poppy?”

Kelas berkata, “Ular makan Poppy!”.

Ibu Sharon berkata, “Tidak apa-apa!”


Ibu Sharon berkata, “Saya mau telepon Pak Robins. Jangan terlalu dekat ular.”

Noah nakal. Noah mau lihat ular. Noah terlalu dekat dan ular makan Noah!

Ibu Sharon berkata, “Kelas, di mana Noah?”

Kelas berkata, “Ular makan Noah!”.

Ibu Sharon berkata, “Tidak apa-apa!”.


Ibu Sharon berkata, “Saya mau makan hamburger.. Jangan terlalu dekat ular.”

Maddi nakal. Maddi mau lihat ular. Maddi terlalu dekat dan ular makan Maddi! 

Ibu Sharon berkata, “Kelas, di mana Maddi?”

Kelas berkata, “Ular makan Maddi!”

Ibu Sharon berkata, “Tidak apa-apa!”


Pak Robins masuk kelas Bahasa Indonesia dan berkata, “Di mana murid-murid?”

Kelas berkata, “Ular makan murid-murid!”

Pak Robins berkata ‘ular putar.’

Ular putar, putar, putar terus.

Ular muntah.

Max, Poppy, Noah dan Maddi keluar.

Ibu Sharon berkata, “Astaga!”


Snake Story in English

Ibu Sharon has a snake.  The snake is hungry.

Ibu Sharon says ‘Class, don’t go too close to the snake.’

Ibu Sharon turns and looks at the smartboard.

Max is naughty.  Max wants to see the snake.  Max goes too close and the snake eats Max!

Ibu Sharon says ‘Class, where is Max?’

The class says ‘The snake ate Max!’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Doesn’t matter!’


Ibu Sharon says ‘I want to go to the toilet.  Don’t go too close to the snake.

Poppy is naughty.  Poppy wants to see the snake.   Poppy goes too close and the snake eats Poppy!

Ibu Sharon says ‘Class where is Poppy?’

The class says ‘The snake at Poppy!’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Doesn’t matter!’


Ibu Sharon says ‘I want to telephone Mr Robins.  Don’t go too close to the snake.

Noah is naughty.  Noah wants to see the snake.  Noah goes too close and the snake eats Noah!

Ibu Sharon says ‘Class where is Noah?’

The class says ‘The snake ate Noah!’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Doesn’t matter!’


Ibu Sharon says ‘I want to eat a hamburger!  Don’t go too close to the snake.

Maddi is naughty.  Maddi wants to see the snake.  Maddi goes too close and the snake eats Maddi!

Ibu Sharon says ‘Class where is Maddi?’

The class says ‘The snake ate Maddi!’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Doesn’t matter!’


Mr Robins enters the Indonesian class and says ‘Where are the students?’

The class says ‘The snake ate the students!’

Mrs Harvey says ‘Snake turn.’

The snake turns, turns, turns constantly

The snake vomits.

Max, Poppy, Noah and Maddi come out.

Ibu Sharon says ‘Oh my goodness!’









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