Term 2 2017 – Sudah & belum

Sudah – already and belum – not yet are quite common Indonesian vocab which we use often in instructional classroom language however I’ve never explicityly taught them to my students through a story.  This term I wanted to to explicitly teach sudah/belum, as well as focus on some classroom language (as required by the Australian Curriculum).

To begin with I wanted to introduce sudah/belum, without too many other new words.  We ended up with this story:


Sudah makan?

Ada laki-laki.  Nama dia Budi.

Budi suka makan nasi.


Ibu Budi berkata ‘Budi!  Sudah makan atau belum? ‘ 

Budi berkata ‘Belum.’

Ibu Budi berkata ‘Mau makan sop?’

Budi berkata ‘Tidak!  Saya tidak mau makan sop.  Saya mau makan nasi!’


Bapak Budi berkata ‘Budi!  Sudah makan, belum?’

Budi berkata ‘Belum.’

Bapak Budi berkata ‘Mau makan pizza?’

Budi berkata ‘Tidak!  Saya tidak mau makan pizza.  Saya mau makan nasi!’


Nenek Budi berkata ‘Budi!  Sudah makan, belum?’

Budi berkata ‘Belum.’

Nenek Budi berkata ‘Mau makan mangga?’

Budi berkata ‘Tidak!  Saya tidak mau makan mangga.  Saya mau makan nasi!’


Kakek Budi berkata ‘Budi!  Sudah makan, belum?’

Budi berkata ‘Belum.’

Kakek Budi berkata ‘Mau makan sate?’

Budi berkata Tidak!  Saya tidak mau mkaan sate.  Saya mau makan nasi!’


Kakak Budi berkata ‘Budi!  Sudah makan, belum?’

Budi berkata ‘Belum.’

Kakak Budi berkata ‘Mau makan eskrim?’

Budi berkata Tidak!  Saya tidak mau makan es krim.  Saya mau makan nasi!’


Budi makan nasi di warung.

Ibu, Bapak, Nenek, Kakek dan Kakak berkata ‘Budi!  Kami masak nasi.  Mau makan?’

Budi berkata ‘Tidak!  Saya sudah makan!!’


Have you already eaten?

There is a boy.  His name is Budi.

Budi likes to eat rice.


Budi’s Mum says ‘Budi!  Have you already eaten or not yet?’

Budi says ‘Not yet.’

Budi’s Mum says ‘Do you want to eat soup?’

Budi says ‘No.  I do not want to eat soup.  I want to eat rice!’


Budi’s Dad says ‘Budi!  Have you already eaten, not yet?’

Budi says ‘Not yet.’

Budi’s Dad says ‘Do you want to eat pizza?’

Budi says ‘No.  I do not want to eat pizza.  I want to eat rice!’


Budi’s Grandma says ‘Budi!  Have you already eaten, not yet?’

Budi says ‘Not yet.’

Budi’s Grandma says ‘Do you want to eat mango?’

Budi says ‘No.  I do not want to eat mango.  I want to eat rice!’


Budi’s Grandpa says ‘Budi!  Have you already eaten, not yet?’

Budi says ‘Not yet.’

Budi’s Grandpa says ‘Do you want to eat satay?’

Budi says ‘No.  I do not want to eat satay.  I want to eat rice!’


Budi’s older sibling says ‘Budi!  Have you already eaten, not yet?’

Buid says ‘Not yet.’

Budi’s older sibling says ‘Do you want to eat ice cream?’

Budi says ‘No.  I do not want to eat ice cream.  I want to eat rice!’


Budi eats rice at a warung (small shop).

Mum, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa and older sibling say ‘Budi!  We have cooked rice.  Do you want to eat?’

Budi says ‘No.  I’ve already eaten!!’


Our second story this term is based around this story.  This story still has sudah/belum but also includes the word ambil – take, and some classroom vocab.


Adi menonton televisi

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil tas?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil pensil?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil buku?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil makan siang?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton teleisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil botol air?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil sepatu bola basket?’

Adi berkata ‘Sudah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah ambil topi?’

Adi berkata ‘Sduah.’  Adi menonton televisi terus!

Ibu berkata ‘Adi sudah jam delapan!  Ayo!  Pergilah ke sekolah cepat-cepat!’

Adi ambil tas.  Adi berlari ke sekolah.

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Di mana pensil, buku, makan siang, botol air, sepatu bola basket dan topi Adi?’

Ada berkata ‘Tidak ada!  Astaga!!’


Adi watches television

Mum says ‘Adi have you already got your bag?’

Adi says ‘Already.’  Adi watches television constantly!

Mum says ‘Adi have you alread got your pencil?’

Adi says ‘Already.’  Adi watches television constantly!

Mum says ‘Adi have you already got your book?’

Adi says ‘Already.’  Adi watches television constantly!

Mum says ‘Adi have you already got your lunch?’

Adi says ‘Already.’  Adi watches television constantly!

Mum says ‘Adi have you already got your drink bottle?’

Adi says ‘Already.’  Adi watches television constantly!

Mum says ‘Adi have you already got your basketball shoes?’

Adi says ‘Already.’  Adi watches television constantly!

Mum says ‘Adi have you already got your hat?’

Adi says ‘Already.’  Adi watches television constantly!

Mum says ‘Adi, its already 8 o’clock!  Come on!  Go to school quickly!’

Adi takes his bag.  Adi runs to school.

Ibu Sharon says ‘Where is your pencil, book, lunch, drink bottle, basket ball shoes and hat Adi?

Adi says ‘Its not there!  OMG!’

















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