YEARS 1, 2

Term 4 2023

This term students will be looking at a story called ‘Lucy mau ular – Lucy wants a snake.’  This story revises some family words (Ibu-Mum; Bapak-Dad; adik-younger sibling), colours, emotions (senang-happy; sedih-sad; menangis-cry; baik hati-kind), and the verbs mau-wants; punya-has; kasih-givesNew vocabulary includes beli-to buy and ular-snakeThrough the storywe will practise the target structures and participate in a variety of games and activities to help students acquire the Indonesian language. 


Lucy mau ular 

Ada perepuan.  Nama perempuan Lucy.  ‘Halo, nama saya Lucy.’    

Lucy mau ular.  ‘Saya mau ular.’  

Lucy ke Ibu. ‘Ibu, saya mau ular.’  

Ibu berkata ‘Tidak boleh.  ah ah ah ah ah x3 ’

Lucy sedih.  Lucy menangis.    

Lucy ke Bapak.  ‘Bapak, saya mau ular. ’ 

Bapak baik hati.  Bapak berkata ‘Okay’.  

Bapak kasih Lucy sepuluh dollar. 

Lucy berkata ‘Terima kasih Bapak.’

Bapak berkata ‘Sama-sama Lucy.’

Lucy beli ular.  Ular lapar.  

Ular makan Lucy.  Aduh!  

Lucy wants a snake

There is a girl.  The girl’s name is Lucy.  ‘Hello, my name is Lucy.’

Lucy wants a snake.  ‘I want a snake.’

Lucy goes to Mum.  ‘Mum, I want a snake.’

Mum says ‘No you may not.  Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah x3.’

Lucy is sad.  Lucy cries.

Lucy goes to Dad.  ‘Dad, I want a snake.’

Dad is kind.  Dad says ‘Okay!’

Dad gives Lucy ten dollars.

Lucy says ‘Thank you Dad.’

Dad says ‘You’re welcome Lucy.’

Lucy buys a snake.  The snake is hungry.

The snake eats Lucy!  On no!


Term 3 2023

Junior Primary students are focusing on a story called Kerundung Merah.’  This is an Indonesian version of Little Red Riding Hood (credit goes to Anne McKelvie). Using a familiar story will help to support understanding of new words.  This story gives us opportunity for revision of  previous target structures as well as including some new target structures.

New target structures include tinggal; hutan; ketok; ayo; mata; telinga; gigi; besar; bukan.

Revision of previous target structures include perempuan; ada; nama; merah; lihat; mau; nenek; rumah; lapar; makan; berlari cepat; astaga; punya; berjalan kaki; dengar; marah; terima kasih.


Kerundung Merah

Ada perempuan.  Nama perempuan kerudung merah.

Kerudung merah mau lihat nenek.

Nenek tinggal di rumah di hutan.

Di hutan ada srigala.  Srigala lapar.

Srigala lihat Kerudung merah dan mau makan Kerudung merah.

Srigala berlari cepat ke rumah nenek.

Di rumah nenek Kerudung merah ketok, ketok, ketok.

Nenek berkata ‘Ayo!’  Kerudung merah lihat nenek.  ‘Astaga!’

Nenek punya mata besar! Nenek punya hidung besar!  Nenek punya telinga besar!  Nenek punya gigi besar!

BUKAN nenek….Srigala!  ‘Astaga!’

Srigala berkata ‘Saya mau makan Kerudung merah!’

Ada Laki-laki berjalan kaki di hutan.  Laki-laki dengar Kerudung merah berkata ‘Astaga!’

Laki-laki lihat srigala lapar di rumah nenek.  Laki-laki marah.

Srigala lihat laki-laki dan berlari ke hutan.

Nenek dan Kerudung merah berkata ‘Terima kasih!’


Little Red Riding Hood

There was a girl.  The girl’s name was Red Riding Hood.

Red Riding Hood wanted to see her grandmother.

Grandmother lived in a house in the forest.

In the forest there was a wolf.  The wolf was hungry.

The wolf looked at Red Riding Hood and wanted to eat Red Riding Hood.

The wolf ran fast to grandmothers house.

At grandmothers house, Little Red Riding Hood went knock, knock, kncok.

Grandmother said ‘Come in!’  Red Riding Hood saw grandmother.  ‘Oh my gosh!’

Grandmother had big eyes!  Grandmother had a big nose!  Grandmother had big ears!  Grandmother had big teeth!

NOT Grandmother……wolf!  ‘Oh my gosh!’

Wolf said ‘I want to eat Red Riding Hood!’

There was a boy walking in the forest.  The boy heard Red Riding Hood say “Oh my gosh!’

The boy saw the hungry wolf at Grandmother’s house.  The boy was mad.

The wolf saw the boy and ran into the forest.

Grandmother and Red Riding Hood said ‘Thank you!’


Term 2 2023

This term students will be working on a story called ‘Komodo tidak punya kepala.’ This story uses a combination of previous target structures (makan, minum, mau, punya, kasih), while also building in some new structures including body parts, adjectives and feelings (karena, sedih, baik hati, senang sekali, kaki, ekor, badan, kepala). Students will also be learning about komodo dragons. Through the story we will practise common Indonesian language structures, participate in a variet of games and activities to help students acquire Indonesian language. 


Komodo tidak punya kepala 

 Ada komodo.  Komodo besar dan coklat. 

Komodo punya satu badan, empat kaki dan satu ekor panjang.  

Komodo tidak punya kepala. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa dengar musik. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa menyanyi. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa makan es krim. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa minum sprite. 

Ada ular.  Ular punya dua kepala. 

Ular bisa dengar musik. 

Ular bisa menyanyi. 

Ular bisa makan es kirm. 

Ular bisa  minum sprite. 

Ular baik hati.  Ular kasih Komodo satu kepala. 

Komodo bisa dengar musik dundut. 

Komodo bisa menyayi. 

Komodo bisa makan es krim. 

Komodo bisa minum sprite. 

Komodo senang sekali. 


Komodo doesn’t have a head

There is a komodo.  Komodo is big and brown.

Komodo has one body, four feet and one long tail.

Komodo doesn’t have a head.

Komodo is sad because he can’t listen to music.

Komodo is sad because he can’t sing.

Komodo is sad because he can’t eat ice cream.

Komodo is sad because he can’t drink sprite.

There is a snake.  The snake has two heads.

The snake can listen to music.

The snake can sing.

The snake can eat ice cream.

The snake can drink sprite.

The snake is kind.  The snake gives Komodo one head.

Komodo can listen to music.

Komodo can sing.

Komodo can eat ice cream.

Komodo can drink sprite.

Komodo is very happy.




Term 1 2023

This term will be working on a story called ‘Berbeda- Different’. In this story, students will be introduced to the vocabulary of family members including pets. Students will be introduced to the language to discuss personal preference, stating their interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes. 

Target vocab for this term includes keluarga-family, besar-big, kecil-little, tinggal bersama-live together, kakak-older sibling, ibu-mum, bapak-dad, adik-younger sibling, kucing-cat, ikan-fish, pisang-banana, anggur-grapes, bermain sepak bola-play soccer, bolabasket-basketball, kita-we, berbeda-different, teman-friend, nenek-grandma.


Kita semua berbeda

Ada keluarga besar. Ada keluarga kecil. 

Saya tinggal bersama dua bapak. Saya tinggal bersama nenek. Saya tinggal bersama Ibu. Saya tinggal bersama Ibu dan bapak. 

Saya punya kucing. Saya punya ikan.  

Saya punya dua kakak. Saya tidak punya adik atau kakak.  

Saya suka makan pisang. Saya suka makan apel. Saya suka makan anggur. Saya suka makan stroberi.  

Saya suka berdansa. Saya suka bermain sepak bola. Saya suka bermain bolabasket.  

Saya suka musik. Saya suka matematika. 

Saya suka warna hijau. Saya suka warna merah muda. Saya suka warna-warni. Saya suka warna hitam. 

Kita berbeda. Kita teman. 


We are all different

There are big families.  There are small families.

I live with two Dads.  I live with Grandma.  I live with Mum.  I live with Mum and Dad.

I have a cat.  I have a fish.

I have two older siblings.  I don’t have a younger sibling or an older sibling.

I like to eat bananas.  I like to eat apples.  I like to eat grapes.  I like to eat strawberries.

I like to dance.  I like to play soccer.  I like to play basketball.

I like music.  I like mathetmatics.

I like the colour green.  I like the colour pink.  I like multicolours.  I like the colour black.

We are different.  We are friends.



Term 4 2022

This term students will be learning about a story called Monkey at school.   This unit focuses mainly on the topic of school, however also looks at some common verbs and adjectives.

Target structures include kamar kecil– toilet, perpustakaan,- library ruang musik music room, kantor– office, ruang olah raga– gym, bermain– play, melempar– throw, tidur– sleep).  

Through the storywe will practise target structures, participate in a variety of games and activities to help students acquire the Indonesian language. 


Aduh!  Ada monyet di sekolah!  

(loosely based on the story by Melanie Carter Possum goes to school)


Ada monyet di kantor.  Monyet minum air Pak Robins. 

Pak Robins berkata ‘Aduh!  Monyet nakal! Keluar!’ 

Monyet berlari ke……. perpustakaan. 


Ada monyet di perpustakaan.  Monyet makan apel Ibu Andrea. 

Ibu Andrea berkata ‘Aduh!  Keluar!’ 

Monyet berlari ke………ruang olah raga. 


Ada monyet di ruang olah raga.  Monyet melempar kursi Pak Robbie. 

Pak Robbie berkata ‘Aduh! Monyet nakal! Keluar!’ 

Monyet berlari ke ……… ruang musik. 


Ada monyet di ruang musik.  Monyet berdansa di atas meja Ibu Britten! 

Ibu Britten berkata ‘Aduh!  Monyet nakal! Keluar!’ 

Monyet berlari ke…… kamar kecil. 


Ada monyet di kamar kecil.  Monyet duduk di toilet.  Anak-anak mau kencing. 

Anak-anak berkata ‘Aduh!  Monyet nakal!  Keluar!’ 

Monyet berlari ke……. kelas bahasa Indonesia. 


Ada monyet di kelas bahasa Indonesia.  Monyet tidur di atas bantal. 

Pak Robins berkata ‘Dia capek!’ 

Ibu Andrea berkata ‘Kasihan!’ 

Pak Robbie dan Ibu Britten berkata ‘Dia lucu!’ 

Anak-anak berkata ‘Diam!’ 

Ibu Sharon/Ibu Hannah berkata ‘Di mana saya mengajar?’ 


Oh no!  There is a monkey at school!

There’s a monkey in the office.  Its drinking Mr Robins water!

Mr Robins says ‘Oh no!  Naughty monkey! OUT!’

The monkey runs to …….the library.


There’s a monkey in the library.  It’s eating Miss Andrea’s apple!

Miss Andrea says ‘Oh no!  Naughty monkey!  OUT!!’

The monkey runs to …….the gym.


There’s a monkey in the gym.  It’s throwing Mr Robbie’s ball!

Mr Robbie says ‘Oh no!  Naughty monkey!  OUT!!’

The monkey runs to …. the music room.


There’s a monkey in the music room.  It’s playing Mrs Britten’s keyboard!

Mrs Britten says ‘Oh no!  Naughty monkey!  OUT!’

The monkey runs to …….the toilets.


There’s a monkey in the toilets.  The kids need to wee!

The kids say ‘Oh no!  Naughty monkey!  OUT!’

The monkey runs to …….. the Indonesian room.


There’s a monkey in the Indonesian room.

Mr Robins says ‘It’s tired!’

Miss Andrea says ‘Poor thing!’

Mr Robbie and Mrs Britten says ‘It’s cute!’

The children say ‘Shhhhh!’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Where am I going to teach?’


Term 3 2022

This term students are focusing on a story called ‘Batman’. 

The story will focus on the use of language regarding … New language will include the words mau, punya, kasih, makan, minum, pergi ke, ada, tinggal, dia, masih, lapar, sekali, banyak, pandai, juga, beli, masak, rumah sakit. Students will also be revising some previously learnt verbs.  

Through the storywe will practise target structures and participate in a variety of games and activities to help students acquire Indonesian language.   



 Ada laki-laki.  Nama dia Batman.  

Batman tniggal di Gotham City.    

Batman lapar sekali.  Batman mau makan pizza.  


Ada laki-laki.  Nama dia Joker.  

Joker tinggal di Gotham City juga.    

Joker nakal tetapi dia pandai masak pizza.  

Joker punya restoran pizza.  

Joker punya banyak pizza.  


Batman pergi ke restoran Joker.    

Batman berkata ‘Saya mau beli pizza’.  

Joker kasih Batman 1 pizza.  

Batman makan 1 pizza.   

Batman berkata ‘Saya masih lapar’.  

Joker kasih Batman 10 pizza.  

Batman makan 10 pizza.   

Batman berkata ‘Saya masih lapar’.  

Joker kasih Batman 100 pizza.   

Batman makan 100 pizza.  Batman berkata ‘Saya sakit’.  

Sekarang Joker adalah boss Gotham City.  

Batman Fatman di rumah sakit!  



There is a boy.  His name is Batman.

Batman lives in Gotham city.

Batman is very hungry.  Batman wants to eat pizza.


There is a boy.  His name is Joker.

Joker lives in Gotham city also.

Joker is naughty but is clever at making pizza.

Joker has a pizza restaurant.  Joker has lots of pizza!

Batman goes to Joker’s restaurant.

Batman says ‘I want to buy pizza.’

Joker gives Batman 1 pizza.

Batman eats 1 pizza.

Batman says ‘I’m still hungry!’

Joker gives Batman 10 pizzas.

Batman eats 10 pizzas.

Batman says ‘I’m still hungry!’

Joker gives Batman 100 pizzas.

Batman eats 100 pizzas.  Batman says ‘I’m sick!’

Now Joker is the boss of Gotham city.

Batman is fatman in the hospital!


Term 2 2022  

This term students are focusing on two stories called‘Saya bisaand “Komodo tidak punya kepala”. The stories focus on the use of language regarding actions and being/not being able to do them, as well as body parts.New language will include the words bisatidak bisa, terbang, menyanyiberdansabisakarenaberkatabermainmelemparberenangastagaaduh, punya, badan, kepala, kaki tanganminumularmakanhitamputihkuninglihattemanbaik-hatikasih, dan, besarsedikitdengarStudents will also be revising some previously learnt verbs.  Through the storywe will practise target structures and participate in a variety of games and activities to help students acquire Indonesian language. 


Saya bisa

I can

Lihat!  Superman bisa terbang.  Aduh!  Saya tidak bisa terbang. 

Look!  Superman can fly.  Oh no!  I can’t fly.

Dengar!  Elsa bisa menyanyi.  Aduh!  Saya tidak bisa menyanyi. 

Listen!  Elsa can sing.  Oh no!  I can’t sing.

Lihat!  Justin Beiber bisa berdansa.  Aduh!  Saya tidak bisa berdansa. 

Look!  Justin Beiber can dance.  Oh no!  I can’t dance.

Lihat!  Eddie Betts bisa bermain football.  Aduh!  Saya tidak bisa bermain football. 

Look!  Eddie Betts can play football.  Oh no!  I can’t play football.

Lihat!  Dory bisa berenang.  Aduh!  Saya tidak bisa berenang. 

Look!  Dory can swim.  Oh no!  I can’t swim.

Lihat!  Steph Curry bisa melempar.  Aduh!  Saya tidak bisa melempar. 

Look!  Steph Curry can throw.  On no!  I can’t throw.

Dengar!  Saya bisa Bahasa Indonesia.   ASTAGA! 

Listen!  I can speak Indonesian.  Oh my gosh!


Komodo tidak punya kepala

Ada komodo.  Komodo besar dan coklat. 

Komodo punya satu badan, empat kaki dan satu ekor panjang.  

Komodo tidak punya kepala. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa dengar musik. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa menyanyi. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa makan es krim. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa minum sprite. 

Ada ular.  Ular punya dua kepala. 

Ular bisa dengar musik. 

Ular bisa menyanyi. 

Ular bisa makan es kirm. 

Ular bisa  minum sprite. 

Ular baik hati.  Ular kasih Komodo satu kepala. 

Komodo bisa dengar musik. 

Komodo bisa menyayi. 

Komodo bisa makan es krim. 

Komodo bisa minum sprite. 

Komodo senang sekali. 


The komodo dragon doesn’t have a head

There is a komodo dragon.  The komodo dragon is big and brown.

The komodo dragon has one body, four legs and one long tail.

The komodo dragon does not have a head.

The komodo dragon is sad because he can not listen to music.

The komodo dragon is sad because he can not sing.

The komodo dragon is sad because he can not eat ice cream.

The komodo dragon is sad because he can not drink sprite.

There is a snake.  The snake has two heads.

The snake can listen to music.

The snake can sing.

The snake can eat ice cream.

The snake can drink sprite.

The snake is kind.  The snake gives the komodo dragon one head.

The komodo dragon can listen to music.

The komodo dragon can sing.

The komodo dragon can eat ice cream.

The komodo dragon can drink sprite.

The komodo dragon is very happy.



Term 1 2022

This term students are focusing on a story called ‘Ini Wombi – This is Wombi’.  The target language for this story revises and expands knowledge of family members and introduces students to the vocabulary of descriptions of liked/disliked activities – pergi ke/ goes to, di/at, on, in, pantai/beach, bermain/play, membaca/read, tidak suka/don’t like, suka/like, berenang/swim, bersilancar/surfing, megonggong/bark.

Due to copywrite, I will not be publishing this story online, however if the program runs according to the plan, then hopefully students will be sharing their story with famiies soon.


Term 4 2021

This term students are focusing on a story calledMonyet di rumah.’The story revises school vocabulary and verbs ruangmakan-dining room, ruangkeluarga-family room, dapur-kitchen, garasi-garage, kamartidur-bedroom,  kasihan-poor, lucu-cute, kursi-chair, sepatu-shoe, tempat tidur-bed, dimanawhere, kamar kecil-toilet bermain-play;  melempar-throwtidur-sleep.  Through the storywe will practise target structures and participate in a variety of games and activities to help students acquire Indonesian language. 

Monyet di rumah

Ada monyet di ruang makan.  Monyet minum jus Ibu!  

Ibu berkata ‘Aduh!  Keluar!’  

Monyet berlari ke…….  

  Dapur.  Ada monyet di dapur.  Monyet makan cornflakes adik!  

Adik berkata ‘Aduh!  Keluar!’  

Monyet berlari ke………  

   Ruang keluarga.  Ada monyet di ruang keluarga.  Monyet berdansa di kursi Nenek!  

Nenek berkata ‘Aduh! Keluar!’  

Monyet berlari ke ………  

  Garasi.  Ada monyet di garasi.  Monyet melempar sepatu Bapak!  

Bapak berkata ‘Aduh!  Keluar!’  

Monyet berlari ke……  

Kamar kecil.  Ada monyet di kamar kecil.  Monyet duduk di toilet.  Kakak mau mandi.  

Kakak berkata ‘Aduh keluar!’  

Monyet berlari ke…….  

  Kamar tidur saya.  Ada monyet di kamar tidur saya.  Monyet tidur di tempat tidur.    

Ibu berkata ‘Kasihan!’  

Bapak berkata ‘Dia capek!’  

Kakak dan adik berkata ‘Dia lucu!’  

Nenek berkata ‘Diam!’  

Saya berkata ‘Di mana saya tidur?’  


Monkey in the house

There is a monkey in the dining room.  The monkey is drinking Mum’s juice!

Mum says ‘Oh no!  Get out!  The monkey runs to the …..

Kitchen!  There is a monkey in the kitchen.  The monkey is eating younger siblings cornflakes!

Younger sibling says ‘Oh no!  Get out!  The monkey runs to the ….

Famiy room!  There is a monkey in the family room.  The monkey is dancing in grandma’s chair!

Grandma says ‘Oh no!  Get out!  The monkey runs to the …

Garage!  There is a monkey in the garage.  The monkey is throwing Dad’s shoe!

Dad says ‘Oh no!  Get out!  The monkey runs to the …

Toilet!  There is a monkey in the toilet.  The monkey is sitting on the toilet!  Older sibling wants to bathe.

Older sibling says ‘Oh no!  Get out!  The monkey runs to …

My bedroom!  There is a monkey in my bedroom.  The monkey is sleeping on my bed.

Mum says ‘Poor monkey!’

Dad says ‘It’s tired!’

Older sibling and younger sibling say ‘It’s cute!’

Grandma says ‘Quiet!’

I say ‘Where am I going to sleep?’


Term 3 2021

There are 2 stories for the year 1/2s this term.  The first story ‘Lucy dingin – Lucy is cold’ I haven’t used in a very long time.  It was one of the first stories I tried when I started teaching with comprehensible input, and I know the students will enjoy it.  I first heard this story from my mentor teacher Catherina Greenberg, although I can’t say where the credit from this story originally comes from.  The target language for this story is terlau besar-too big; terlalu kecil-too small; pas-just right.  The second story ‘Brrr!’ expands on the theme.  Target language in Brrrr! is kepada-to, pakai-to wear, kaki-feet, masih-stillIt also introduces students to vocabulary of clothing, and revises and expands their knowledge of body parts.


Lucy dingin

Ada perempuan.  Nama dia Lucy.

Lucy dingin.  Lucy mau jaket.

Jaket Pak Robins terlalu besar.

Jaket monyet terlalu kecil.

Jaket Ibu Sharon pas.

Lucy pakai jaket.

Lucy berkata ‘Terima kasih Ibu Sharon.’

Ibu Sharon berkata ‘Sama-sama Lucy.’


Lucy is cold

There is a girl.  Her name is Lucy.

Lucy is cold.  Lucy wants a jacket.

Mr Robins jacket is too big.

Monkey’s jacket is too small.

Ibu Sharon’s jacket is just right.

Lucy wears the jacket.

Lucy says ‘Thank you Ibu Sharon.’

Ibu Sharon says ‘You’re welcome Lucy.’



Eka dingin.  Eka berkata kepada Bobby “Saya dingin.” 

Bobby kasih Eka satu jaket.  Eka berkata ‘Terima kasih Bobby.’ 

Eka pakai jaket di kaki(nya). 


Eka masih dingin.  Eka berkata kepada Kobi “Saya dingin’. 

Kobi kasih Eka satu kemeja.  Eka berkata ‘Terima kasih Kobi.’ 

Eka pakai kemeja di hidung(nya). 


Eka masih dingin.  Eka berkata kepada Murni “Saya dingin.” 

Murni kasih Eka satu kaca mata hitam.  Eka berkata ‘Terima kasih Murni.’ 

Eka pakai kaca mata di letutnya. 

Eka tidak dingin lagi.   Eka panas!



Eka is cold.  Eka says to Bobby “I’m cold.”

Bobby gives Eka one jacket.  Eka says “Thank you Bobby.”

Eka wears the jacket on her feet.


Eka is still cold.  Eka says to Kobi “I’m cold.”

Kobi gives Eka one shirt.  Eka says “Thank you Kobi.”

Eka wears the shirt on her nose.


Eka is still cold.  Eka says to Murni “I’m cold.”

Murni gives Eka one pair of sunglasses.  Eka says  “Thank you Murni.”

Eka wears the glasses on her knees.

Eka isn’t cold any more.  Eka is hot!



Term 2 2021

This term students are focusing on a story calledBayi Nakal’ by Ben Slavic.   The story focuses on the language of nakal-naughty; tertawa-laughmenangis-cry; di atas-on top; pasar-market; sekali-very; nasi goreng/kuning-fried/yellow rice.  Students will also be revising previously learnt verbs of berlari-run; berjalan kaki-walk; duduk-sit; berkata-says.  


Bayi Nakal

Ada bayi di pasar.  

Ada Ibu. Ibu berjalan kaki tetapi bayi berlari. Bayi nakal. 

Ibu berkata “Berjalan kaki bayi, berjalan kaki.” Bayi tidak berjalan kaki. Bayi berlari. 

Bayi berlari ke nasi kuning. Bayi duduk di atas nasi kuning. Bayi tertawa. Ibu menangis. 

Ibu berkata “Bayi saya nakal!” Bayi nakal. Bayi tertawa dan berkata “Ya! Saya nakal sekali!” 


Ada bayi di Victa Cinema. 

AdBapak. Bapak duduk tetapi bayi berlari. Bayi nakal. 

Bapak berkata “Duduk bayi, duduk!” Bayi tidak duduk. Bayi berlari.  

Bayi berlari ke popcorn. Bayi duduk di atas popcorn. Bayi tertawa. Bapak menangis. 

Bapak berkata “Bayi saya nakal!” Bayi tertawa dan berkata “Ya! Saya nakal sekali!” 


The Naughty Baby

There is a baby at the market.

There is a Mum.  The Mum walks but the baby runs. The baby is naughty.

The Mum says ‘Walk baby, walk.’  But the baby doesn’t walk.  The baby runs.

The baby runs to the yellow rice.  The baby sits on the yellow rice.  The baby laughs.  The mum cries.

The Mum says ‘My baby is naughty.’

The baby laughs and says ‘Yes!  I am very naughty!’


There is a baby at the Victa Cinema.

There is a Dad. The Dad sits but the baby runs.  The baby is naughty.

The Dad says ‘Sit baby, sit.’  But the baby doesn’t sit.  The baby runs.

The baby runs to the popcorn.  The baby sits in the popcorn.  The baby laughs.  The Dad cries.

The Dad says ‘My baby is naughty.

The baby laughs and says ‘Yes!  I am very naughty!’


This story focuses around the language of family.  New language will include the words keluarga-famiyibu-mum; bapak-dad; adik-younger sibling; kakak-older sibling; nenek-grandma; kakek-grandpa; suka-like; kucing-cat; bermain-play; memasak-cook; menonton-watch.   

Keluarga suka 

 Hai!  Nama saya Sari. 

Saya suka makan kue. 

Ini keluarga saya. 

 Saya Bapak Sari.  Nama saya Heri. 

Saya suka bermain bola basket. 

 Saya Ibu Sari.  Nami saya Suni. 

Saya suka berdansa. 

 Saya Kakek Sari.  Nama saya Tono. 

Saya suka minum kopi. 

 Saya Nenek Sari.  Nama saya Sofi. 

Saya suka memasak. 

 Saya kakak Sari.  Nama saya Lois. 

Saya suka berlari. 

Saya adik Sari.  Nama saya Lili. 

Saya suka menonton televisi. 

 Saya kucing Sari.  Nama saya Cantik. 

Saya suka tidur. 


Family likes

Hi! My name is Sari.

I like to eat cake.

This is my family.

I am Sari’s Dad.  My name is Heri.

I like to play basketball.

I am Sari’s Mum.  My name is Suni.

I like to dance.

I am Sari’s grandpa.  My name is Tono.

I like to drink coffee.

I am Sari’s grandma.  My name is Sofi.

I like to cook.

I am Sari’s older sibling.  My name is Lois.

I like to run.

I am Sari’s younger sibling.  My name is Lili.

I like to watch television.

I am Sari’s cat.  My name is Cantik.

I like to sleep.



Term 4 2020

This term students will be looking at a story called ‘Monyet di Sekolah.’  This story teaches school vocabulary and verbs. These include kamar kecil– toilet, perpustakaan,- library ruang musik music room, kantor– office, ruang olah raga– gym, bermain– play, melempar– throw, tidur– sleep).  Through the storywe will practise target structures, participate in a variety of games and activities to help students acquire the Indonesian language. 


Aduh!  Ada monyet di sekolah!  

(loosely based on the story by Melanie Carter Possum goes to school)


Ada monyet di kantor.  Monyet minum air Pak Robins. 

Pak Robins berkata ‘Aduh!  Monyet nakal! Keluar!’ 

Monyet berlari ke……. perpustakaan. 


Ada monyet di perpustakaan.  Monyet makan apel Ibu Andrea. 

Ibu Andrea berkata ‘Aduh!  Keluar!’ 

Monyet berlari ke………ruang olah raga. 


Ada monyet di ruang olah raga.  Monyet melempar kursi Pak Robbie. 

Pak Robbie berkata ‘Aduh! Monyet nakal! Keluar!’ 

Monyet berlari ke ……… ruang musik


Ada monyet di ruang musik.  Monyet berdansa di atas meja Ibu Britten! 

Ibu Britten berkata ‘Aduh!  Monyet nakal! Keluar!’ 

Monyet berlari ke…… kamar kecil


Ada monyet di kamar kecil.  Monyet duduk di toilet.  Anak-anak mau kencing. 

Anak-anak berkata ‘Aduh!  Monyet nakal!  Keluar!’ 

Monyet berlari ke……. kelas bahasa Indonesia


Ada monyet di kelas bahasa Indonesia.  Monyet tidur di atas bantal. 

Pak Robins berkata ‘Dia capek!’ 

Ibu Andrea berkata ‘Kasihan!’ 

Pak Robbie dan Ibu Britten berkata ‘Dia lucu!’ 

Anak-anak berkata ‘Diam!’ 

Ibu Sharon/Ibu Hannah berkata ‘Di mana saya mengajar?’ 


Oh no!  There is a monkey at school!

There’s a monkey in the office.  Its drinking Mr Robins water!

Mr Robins says ‘Oh no!  Naughty monkey! OUT!’

The monkey runs to …….the library.


There’s a monkey in the library.  It’s eating Miss Andrea’s apple!

Miss Andrea says ‘Oh no!  Naughty monkey!  OUT!!’

The monkey runs to …….the gym.


There’s a monkey in the gym.  It’s throwing Mr Robbie’s ball!

Mr Robbie says ‘Oh no!  Naughty monkey!  OUT!!’

The monkey runs to …. the music room.


There’s a monkey in the music room.  It’s playing Mrs Britten’s keyboard!

Mrs Britten says ‘Oh no!  Naughty monkey!  OUT!’

The monkey runs to …….the toilets.


There’s a monkey in the toilets.  The kids need to wee!

The kids say ‘Oh no!  Naughty monkey!  OUT!’

The monkey runs to …….. the Indonesian room.


There’s a monkey in the Indonesian room.

Mr Robins says ‘It’s tired!’

Miss Andrea says ‘Poor thing!’

Mr Robbie and Mrs Britten says ‘It’s cute!’

The children say ‘Shhhhh!’

Ibu Sharon says ‘Where am I going to teach?’


Term 3 2020

So our story for term 3 is called Komodo tidak punya kepala.

Komodo tidak punya kepala

Ada komodo.  Komodo besar dan coklat. 

Komodo punya satu badan, empat kaki dan satu ekor panjang 

Komodo tidak punya kepala. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa dengar musik. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa menyanyi. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa makan es krim. 

Komodo sedih karena tidak bisa minum sprite. 

Ada ular.  Ular punya dua kepala. 

Ular bisa dengar musik. 

Ular bisa menyanyi. 

Ular bisa makan es kirm. 

Ular bisa  minum sprite. 

Ular baik hati.  Ular kasih Komodo satu kepala. 

Komodo bisa dengar musik. 

Komodo bisa menyayi. 

Komodo bisa makan es krim. 

Komodo bisa minum sprite. 

Komodo senang sekali. 


The komodo dragon doesn’t have a head

There is a komodo dragon.  The komodo dragon is big and brown.

The komodo dragon has one body, four legs and one long tail.

The komodo dragon does not have a head.

The komodo dragon is sad because he can not listen to music.

The komodo dragon is sad because he can not sing.

The komodo dragon is sad because he can not eat ice cream.

The komodo dragon is sad because he can not drink sprite.

There is a snake.  The snake has two heads.

The snake can listen to music.

The snake can sing.

The snake can eat ice cream.

The snake can drink sprite.

The snake is kind.  The snake gives the komodo dragon one head.

The komodo dragon can listen to music.

The komodo dragon can sing.

The komodo dragon can eat ice cream.

The komodo dragon can drink sprite.

The komodo dragon is very happy.




Chapter 2 of the Lucy mau ular story.


Week 1                  Lesson A:   Junior Primary lesson 1 video. 

Wk 1 A Learn the Word activity year 1

Learn the word activity year 2 & 3

Lesson B:  Junior Primary lesson 2 video. 

Wk 1 B Read and Draw Year 1

Wk 1 B Read and Draw the sentence Yr2.3


Week 2                  Lesson AJunior Primary lesson 3 video.

Wk 2 A and B Memory Cards

Lesson B:  Using the memory cards from the previous lesson, play memory, snap or order race.


Week 3                  Lesson A:  Play the Roll and Say game using all the new words.

Wk 3 A Roll and Say

Lesson B:  Write all your new words in nature (Year 1s pick 5; Year 2s all; Year 3s twice) using leaves, twigs, rocks, dirt etc.  New words: senang; sedih; menangis; terima kasih; sama-sama; baik hati; ular; beli.


Week 4                 Lesson A:  Watch Junior primary story video.  Then do wordfind.

Wk 4 A wordfind Yr1

Wk 4 A wordfind Yr2.3

                    Lesson B:  Watch Junior primary story video. Write 5 things in English about the story.


Week 5                 Lesson A:  Watch Junior primary story video.  Make a picture collage about the story.

Lesson B:  Watch Junior primary story video. 

Wk 5b Sentence draw Yr 1

Wk 5 B Sentence unjumble and draw Yr2.3